Friday, November 12, 2010

New Record

Today I achieved something that I've never accomplished before: I did not have one stop loss get hit. Sure, I had losing trades, but I closed them all before they hit my hard stop. This really helped my performance today. There will be some times when you get shaken out of a trade too early and continues in your favor without your hard stop getting hit--but I'd prefer my winners come from trades that -immediately- go in my direction without looking back. I was correct on 5 out of 8 early closes (meaning 3 wouldn't have hit my stop, but only 1 of those 3 would have hit my take-profit, and on that one, I re-entered for the win anyway).

Closing trades that show just a couple pips of loss has always been hard for me--I mean how easy is it to just let it go 2 more pips in your favor and -then- close it out? The problem is that most likely it won't, and you'll be taking a bigger loss. So the fact that I'm showing definite progress in this area is nice.

Today's Results: +4R (+20.5 pips)

Weekly Results:  +9R (+46 pips) with 38% wins (includes scratches) and win/loss size of 2.3:1.

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